수업 포커스 : UIC의 집중 영어 프로그램은(IEP)는 40년 이상 영어 학습자들이 학업, 직업 및 개인적 목표를 달성하도록 도왔습니다. IEP는 2001년 12월부터 CEA 인증을 받았습니다. 25개국 이상에서 온 17세 이상 학생들이 다니며 서로 긴밀히 협력하고 강사에게 배웁니다.
수업 목표, 장점 : 수업에 적극적인 참여, 주기적인 숙제로 고난이도의 훈련, 말하기, 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기 능력 향상, 즐기면서 다양한 국가의 새로운 친구들을 사귈 기회가 주어집니다.
커리큘럼 : 집중 영어 프로그램의 모든 신입생은 수업 첫 주에 말하기 영어와 작문 영어 능력을 테스트하는 종합 배치 시험을 치릅니다. 이것은 읽기 / 쓰기 및 듣기 / 말하기 수준을 결정합니다.
Level 1: high beginning
Level 2: low intermediate
Level 3: intermediate
Level 4: high intermediate
Level 5: advanced
Summer/Fall 2022 (on campus)
<수강 기간>
- Summer 여름학기
총 12주, 10주의 수강 기간 + 여름과 가을 사이의 방학 2주 포함
- Fall 가을학기
총 16주, 14주의 수강 기간 + 중간고사&겨울의 방학 2주 포함
<코스 시간>
해당 코스들은 UIC 캠퍼스에서 직접 가르칩니다.
-여름 학기
1. 레벨 1~4
월~금, 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
2. 레벨 5
월~목, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
모든 레벨에 해당하는 내용입니다:
오전 수업에 읽기와 쓰기를 가르치고, 오후 수업에 듣기와 말하기를 가르칩니다.
1주에 24-25시간 동안 가르칩니다.
-가을 학기
월~목, 8:30 a.m. – 3:10 p.m.
오전 수업에 읽기와 쓰기를 가르치고, 오후 수업에 듣기와 말하기를 가르칩니다. (코스 중간에 쉬는 시간이 포함됨)
1주에 18시간 동안 가르칩니다.
<세부 코스 내용>
Full-time Level 1 – 4 students attend Reading/Writing in the morning, and Listening/Speaking in the afternoon.
-Reading/Writing students study:
Academic study skills
Intercultural awareness
-Listening/Speaking students study:
Intercultural awareness
Full-time level 5 students attend 8 ELSI classes.
4 classes in Term A: ELSI 081, 083, 086, and 088
4 classes in Term B: ELSI 082, 084, 087, and 089
Part-time Level 5 students attend 4 ELSI classes
2 of the class options in Term A
2 of the class options in Term B
Part-time students are NOT eligible for a student visa.
ELSI 081 Communication Skills
This course is designed to help non-native speakers of English improve their speaking and listening skills in social, academic, and professional settings. Participants learn strategies for effective communication as well as techniques for improving pronunciation. Learners practice key vocabulary and American conversational expressions to gain confidence in a variety of situations.
ELSI 082 Discussion Skills
This course is designed to help non-native speakers of English develop social and academic discussion skills. Participants learn strategies to effectively and appropriately present, support and defend their viewpoints as well as techniques to engage in discussions and answer discussion questions. Students also learn applicable cultural norms and politeness strategies as well as improve pronunciation and vocabulary for more successful communication.
ELSI 083 Presentation Skills: Developing Effective Methods for Presentations
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to respond effectively and professionally in planned and spontaneous public speaking situations. Students also increase their ability to follow advanced academic lectures and professional speeches.
ELSI 084 Delivering Effective Presentations in Your Profession
This course is focused on enabling students to deliver lengthy, formal presentations at such venues as conferences and business meetings and to conduct formal interviews. Aspects of presentation such as organizational patterns, types of requisite development, methods of audience interaction, and appropriate use of visual aids are addressed and practiced.
ELSI 086 Effective Written Communication
This course introduces learners to principles of effective written communication and critical reading. Learners will build proficiency and confidence as writers of English while improving reading and critical reasoning skills. Emphasis will be placed on the writing of academic and professional emails and summary and argumentative paragraphs.
ELSI 087 Approaches to Evidence-Based Writing
This course is designed to develop and sharpen learners’ academic and professional reading and writing skills and strategies in English. Learners will build proficiency and confidence as writers of English while improving reading, critical reasoning, and research skills. Emphasis will be placed on research-based writing, including summary-response essays, an annotated bibliography, and a synthesized overview of selected articles.
ELSI 088 Critical Reading: Preparation for Written and Oral Communication
This class centers on developing the critical reading skills needed to both academically and professionally succeed. Through engaging with a variety of sources, students will apply the target skills both orally and in writing.
ELSI 089 Using Evidence-Based Writing for Your Profession
This course aims to apply critical reading skills to generate researched-based writing. Participants will critically analyze both general and field-specific writing samples, and will conduct further research within academic and professional contexts to help them produce foundational research pieces.