수업 포커스 : The school focuses on giving the students knowledge in variety of study fields
수업목표, 장점 : The goal is to accompany the students until they reach Abitur.
커리큘럼 : Faculities 1. nature science-technologie 2. foreign language 3. social studies The facility is choosen at the end of grade 7. 1st foreign language in grade 5 is Latin or Englisch 2nd foreign language in grade 6 is English for students who chose Latin as their first foreign language and Latin or French for students who chose English as first foreign language. There are also instrument classes in grade 5 and 6. From grade 7 to 10 there are bilingual classes in some subjects.
수업시간 : Daily schedule 7:00am opening of school 7:40am entering the classroom 7:55am-9.25am 1st and 2nd class(each 45min) 9:25am 15 minute break 9:40am-11:10am 3rd and 4th class(each 45min) 11:10am 15minutes break 11:25am-12:55pm 5th and 6th class(each 45min) 12:55pm-1:40pm 7th class, the cafeteria is open from 11:30am-1:45pm) 1pm start time of evening supervising(until 4pm or 5pm) 1:40pm-3:10pm 8th and 9th class(each 45min) 3:10pm 10minutes break 3:20pm-4:50pm 10th and 11th class(each 45minutes) 4:50pm end of the last evening class