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  SRH University Hamm (SRH University Hamm)
위치 : 독일 > 함 설립년도 : 2009
정원(재학생수) : 1200 공항마중 : 가능
주 소
  Platz d. Deutschen Einheit 1, 59065 Hamm
  Telephone : +49 2381 9291121
  Website : https://www.srh-hochschule-nrw.de/
기본정보 프로그램 내용 위치 사진첩 학교평가
- International Focus
- Practical education
- Career support
- Modern Facilities
- Interdisciplinary study
  SRH University Hamm 에 관하여
SRH Hochschule Hamm (SRH University of Applied Sciences Hamm) is a private university located in Hamm, Germany. It is part of the SRH Group, which operates various educational institutions across Germany. The university offers a range of bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, focusing on practical and application-oriented education.

Key Features:
Programs Offered: SRH Hochschule Hamm offers programs in fields such as Business Administration, International Management, Health Care Management, and Social Work. The university emphasizes interdisciplinary studies, integrating theory with practical application.

International Orientation: The university promotes an international atmosphere, attracting students from various countries. Many programs are offered in English, catering to both local and international students.

Modern Facilities: The campus is equipped with modern classrooms, laboratories, and study spaces designed to enhance the learning experience.

Career Support: SRH Hochschule Hamm places a strong emphasis on employability, providing students with opportunities for internships, networking, and career counseling.

Research and Innovation: The university is involved in research activities and projects that address current societal challenges, promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.
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