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  Hamburg Ballet John Neumeier (함부르크 발레트 존 노이마이어)
위치 : 독일 > 함부르크 설립년도 : 1978
정원(재학생수) : 공항마중 : 가능
주 소
  Caspar-Voght-Strasse 54 D-20535 Hamburg
  Telephone : +49 (0)40 35 68-989   Fax : +49 (0)40 35 68-988
  Website : https://www.hamburgballett.de/
기본정보 프로그램 내용 위치 사진첩 학교평가
- Ballett school with boarding
- Cooperation with Hamm Gymnasium
- affordable tuition and boarding fee
- Pre-audition with video
- for students from 7 to 18 years
조건부 입학제도


-application form with 3 required photos
-We will also require the following; a short film of students from countries outside of the EU:
– The film should please be of your classical ballet class showing a short barre, adagio, pirouettes, petit and grand allegro and pointe work (for girls over the age of 13 years). If you are 14 years old or older, please include a classical variation. Girls should please not wear skirts.
– Please send a film as a YouTube or Vimeo link (not per we transfer or other internet platforms).
– A film can only be accepted as a pre-audition. All invited applicants will be requested to be at the audition in Hamburg in person.
-We do have an age limit of 18 years on or before 1 March 2020.
-We will then let you know as soon as possible whether we will be inviting you to our audition in spring 2020.

  함부르크 발레트 존 노이마이어 에 관하여
The School of the Hamburg Ballet, established in 1978, trains young people from all over the world for a professional dance career. The syllabus gives priority to all aspects of classical-academic dance such as pas de deux, pointe work, classical and contemporary variations, and Neumeier-repertoire. The syllabus also includes courses dedicated to the techniques of modern and character dance and is complemented by Pilates and strengthening classes. A strong emphasis is put on classes in choreographic composition. The academic programme also includes anatomy, music theory and dance history.

All classes are held in the Ballettzentrum Hamburg. This building, previously a high school for girls, is one of the last buildings designed by the famous Hamburg architect Fritz Schumacher. It has been converted into a training facility with nine studios, used by the Hamburg Ballet, the National Youth Ballet and the school. The boarding facilities with places for 34 students is also located in the building.
Entrance examinations for pupils are held annually each spring. The pre-school is for children ages 7–9 years, the intermediate classes 10–16 years the Theatre Classes 16-18 years. Prospective students are assessed on physical aptitude, rhythmic and improvisational talents, as well as their level of classical ballet technique in relation to their age.
OECKO는 1981년에 설립한 On, Off-line 유학서비스입니다. 지금까지 배출된 약 2만명이상의 학생들은 사회 곳곳에서 활동하고 있습니다. 각 나라 명문대학과 제휴되어 글로벌 인재 양성에 힘쓰며 정직과 성실을 기초 삼아 오직 한 길만 걸어왔습니다. 미국, 캐나다, 영국, 호주 뉴질랜드,일본, 독일, 스페인, 프랑스 등 유럽에서 어학연수를 스스로 계획하시고 직접 신청하기위한 사이트입니다. 스스로 지원하기 때문에 수수료가 없습니다. 그러나 고등학교, 대학(원) 신청 및 에세이 작성은 민감한 사항이므로 유료로 진행가능합니다. 어학연수 입학허가서는 3일~14일 안에 받을 수 있습니다.
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