- Realschule and Gymnasium in one - girls boarding school - scientific and technological focus - state-licensed private school - located in Jettingen-Scheppach,Bayern
민델탈슐렌 에 관하여
Schools with all-day care have long since become a matter of course because they have adapted to the passage of time. The fact that the father earns the money while the mother does the housework at home and raises the children is a picture from a bygone era. Today, when choosing a secondary school, parents rightly value good all-day care, preferably with their own canteen. This is what the Mindeltal private schools in Jettingen-Scheppach in the Swabian part of Bavaria offer, but that is by no means the only quality feature that distinguishes them.
The Mindeltal-Gymnasium is part of the Mindeltal schools and has a scientific and technological focus. In addition to the grammar school, the school group also has a junior high school and a boarding school. The school group also takes part in the "Environmental School in Europe" project. The private school is state-licensed.
The school offers the Abitur after eight school years (G8).
The Mindeltal schools are “bound all-day schools”. This means that our students are taught by qualified teachers from Monday to Thursday from 8:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and on Friday from 8:15 a.m. to 12:35 p.m.
The lessons are rhythmic: the compulsory lessons are spread over the morning and afternoon and are supplemented by practice and study times as well as sports, music and artistic activities.
Within the framework of this concept, additional teaching support offers can be implemented:
more lessons in the subjects mathematics, German, English (in the final classes)
Intensification lessons in the subjects German, English and mathematics (in the lower grades)
Promotion of reading skills through regular reading hours (lower and middle school)
Homework supervision by teachers and external freelancers
Projects as part of the environmental school project (school garden working group, youth forscht); career orientation
The Mindeltal schools are “bound all-day schools”. This means that our students are taught by qualified teachers from Monday to Thursday from 8:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and on Friday from 8:15 a.m. to 12:35 p.m.
The lessons are rhythmic: the compulsory lessons are spread over the morning and afternoon and are supplemented by practice and study times as well as sports, music and artistic activities.
Within the framework of this concept, additional teaching support offers can be implemented:
more lessons in the subjects mathematics, German, English (in the final classes)
Intensification lessons in the subjects German, English and mathematics (in the lower grades)
Promotion of reading skills through regular reading hours (lower and middle school)
Homework supervision by teachers and external freelancers
Projects as part of the environmental school project (school garden working group, youth forscht); career orientation
프로그램 정보
수업 규모
12-15 Students
수업 기간
52 Weeks
수업 레벨
비자 정보
입학허가서 발급
최소 연령
특별히 없음
프로그램 일정
현재(2024년) 프로그램 일정 마감으로 (2025년) 일정 업데이트 중에 있습니다.
비 용
학교 등록비
학 비
52 Week
(EURO)€ 7,200 / 주간
학교 내 기숙사/숙박
학교 밖 숙박시설
*시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.
The students are accommodated in groups of three per room. In each room there is a bathroom/toilet with shower. Each student has her own workplace with a table, wall shelves and cupboards. Each floor in the new building has its own computer workroom with PCs and printers as well as connections for the students' own notebooks / tablets. Large assembly and meeting rooms with comfortable seating are available, as are large, modern kitchens.
Jettingen-Scheppach is a market town in the Swabian district of Guenzburg, located between Ulm and Augstburg . The main town and seat of the municipal administration is Jettingen. There are a variety of clubs and club activities in the market town. In Jettingen, Scheppach, Freihalden and Ried (in cooperation with the neighboring village of Oberwaldbach ) there are sports clubs offering, for example, football, tennis, golf, volleyball, athletics, gymnastics and gymnastics. In addition to the volunteer fire brigades, there are also several fire brigade associations that enrich social life. In addition, there are still music, carnival, homeland and customs maintenance and various other clubs.
The students are accommodated in groups of three per room. In each room there is a bathroom/toilet with shower. Each student has her own workplace with a table, wall shelves and cupboards. Each floor in the new building has its own computer workroom with PCs and printers as well as connections for the students' own notebooks / tablets. Large assembly and meeting rooms with comfortable seating are available, as are large, modern kitchens.
위 치
학교에 직접 질문하기
0 건의 학교평가가 있습니다.
수업 만족도
학교시설, 분위기
강사진 및 학교 담당자 만족도
학외 활동 만족도
숙박시설 만족도
평균 평점
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