Tilman-Riemenschneider-Schule (틸만 리맨슈나이더 슐레)
위치 : 독일 > 하일바트 하이리겐스타트
설립년도 : 1985
정원(재학생수) : 166
공항마중 : 가능
주 소
  Holbeinstraße 16 37308 Heilbad Heiligenstadt
  Telephone : 03606 / 605081
  Fax : 03606 / 600882
  Website :
기본정보 프로그램 내용
위치 학교평가
▶ 기본정보
- Regelschule a school form in Thueringen
- Grade 5-10, after that change to Gymnasium or college
- Haupt and Realschule diploma
- Everyone have the same chance
- We concentrate on individual student
▶  틸만 리맨슈나이더 슐레 에 관하여
What is a Regelschule?
A Regelschule is a type of school in the state of Thueringen, where the students can earn a Haupt or Realschulabschluss.
After successful completion of elementary school, the majority of students go to this school form.
회원가입 | 로그인
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