Evangelisches Firstwald Gymnasium (에반겔이셧 퍼스트발트 김나지움)
위치 : 독일 > 뫼싱겐
설립년도 : 1965
정원(재학생수) : 803
공항마중 : 가능
주 소
  Firstwaldstr. 36 - 54 72116 Mössingen
  Telephone : 0 74 73 / 700 - 0
  Fax : 0 74 73 / 700 - 19
  Website :
기본정보 프로그램 내용
위치 학교평가
▶ 기본정보
- musical and scientific focus
- grade 5-12
- a diaconal internship in class 10
- three-day school camp
- located in Moesslingen,Baden-Wuerttemberg
▶  에반겔이셧 퍼스트발트 김나지움 에 관하여
The Firstwald-Gymnasium Mössingen is a two-stream, general, all-day grammar school sponsored by the school foundation of the Evangelical Church in Württemberg with the profile subjects "Natural Science and Technology" and the special profile subject "People and Media".
In 2010 the school was awarded the German School Prize for "School Development", in 2016 and 2019 as a "MINT-friendly school" and in 2019 as a "Digital School".
The Firstwald-Gymnasium Mössingen is a two-stream, general  education all-day grammar school  sponsored by the school foundation of the Evangelical Church in Württemberg.
In addition to the  G8 grammar school , the advanced grammar school  offers   graduates from the 10th grade the opportunity to obtain their Abitur in three school years.
High school students from Year 5 and up can also use this Year 10+ as an individual gap year (G9) to catch up on technical deficits, to pursue interests in social, sporting or voluntary areas or to gain experience abroad.
With a small affiliated  boarding school  , the school remains true to its tradition as a boarding school and not only offers young people who have to travel long distances or special needs or interests a second home, but also additional, individual support on the way to their Abitur.
회원가입 | 로그인
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