Insula Köln (Insula Köln (인술라 쾰른))
위치 : 독일 > 쾰른
설립년도 :
정원(재학생수) :
공항마중 :
주 소
  Vogelsangerstrasse 61 50823 Köln
  Telephone : 0221 79004204
  Website :
기본정보 프로그램 내용
위치 학교평가
▶ 기본정보
- Insula 2021년 6월부터 대면수업가능
- 4-10명의 소규모 클래스 운영
- 워크숍 개설
▶  Insula Köln (인술라 쾰른) 에 관하여
토론 형식,
소규모 클래스 운영
품질 관리를 통한 효율적 어학 학습

Why learn German at Insula Cologne:
Our professional team looks for tailormade solutions for any student
We only occupy qualified language teachers with an education of highest international standards
A welcoming and supportive atmosphere
Online and On-Site courses available
Small group sizes
Language classes with the highly communicative approach
Learning in a playful yet challenging way
Personal attention and optimal advice provided by our Director of Studies and our Senior teachers
Trial lessons prior to registration
Regular individualized feedback on your German progress
Broad range of specific German courses, tailormade teaching with focus on fluency or grammar
Cultural programm and fun activities outside the classroom setting
                          ...just pass by, have a free trial lesson and get to know the unique atmosphere of Insula language school!

Learn more about our German Courses

회원가입 | 로그인
사업자등록번호:211-08-05182 | 주소:서울특별시 광진구 능동로 209 세종대학교 군자관 1층 104-A 업체명:해외교육문화원 | 대표:최미선 | 전화번호 02-512-2022/2032 | E-Mail Copyright ⓒ1981 - 2020 OECKO. All Rights Reserved.