Accommodation types

Shared apartment
You will live together with other international IIK students in an apartment
-You will live together with other international IIK students in an apartment
-You share the common rooms as well as bathroom/toilet and kitchen
-You cook yourself and are also responsible for cleaning the rooms yourself
There are single rooms or double rooms
Host family
Experience German lifestyle and culture up close
-You gain direct experience in everyday life
-You will get to know the way of life and culture first hand
-You also speak German in your free time
-Our host families are partly families in the classical sense with parents and child(ren), partly also single hosts
-Our host families are known to us personally and are familiar with dealing with IIK participants
-In some cases, other IIK students live in other rooms
Single apartment
Private apartments with individual equipment
We will be happy to arrange your own apartment. We have a small contingent of private apartments that we offer to our participants. Prices and furnishings of the individual apartments can vary greatly.