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  Metropolitan College (메트로폴리탄 칼리지)
위치 : 캐나다 > 오타와 설립년도 : 1997
정원(재학생수) : 공항마중 : 가능
주 소
  146 James St S, Hamilton, ON L8P 3A2, Canada
  Telephone : +1 905-529-5000
  Website : http://metropolitancollege.com/
기본정보 프로그램 내용 위치 사진첩 학교평가
- affordable tuition fee
- chance to do an internship or volunteer
- located in downtown
- city library card set up
- free bank account set up with visa credit card
  메트로폴리탄 칼리지 에 관하여

Metropolitan College is a small ESL school specializing in effective and affordable English Language training. The school was founded in 1997 and has had students from Japan, Korea, Russia, Kazakhstan, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Germany, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela and India.

The college offers students:
affordable tuition fees
convenient downtown location
downtown walking tour upon arrival
city library card setup
free bank account setup with Visa credit card
unlimited, high-speed Internet access
lunch area
study area
nearby coffee shop, library, shopping, banks, restaurants, parks, etc.

When you enter Metropolitan College you will first notice our welcoming staff and warm, comfortable learning environment. The teachers are focused on working with students to help them achieve their English language goals. The teachers are always working on improving their lessons, methods and teaching abilities.

The teachers:
are professional and qualified
are friendly, fun and prepared
are good listeners
are born and raised in Canada
prepare lessons and activities based on students' needs
provide individual tutoring, counselling and advice

The school encourage our students to take a work internship or volunteer while studying with them.

Students usually study for a minumum of two months and then join a work internship program. Students are able to gather experience and knowledge that will be especially helpful to learn about various careers. The most popular placement fields include banking, media, accounting, general office, IT and tourism.

Students usually volunteer after school or on the weekends. Students typically volunteer in Senior Centres (retired Canadians), YMCA (with children), hospitals (working with patients), SPCA (working with animals) or in the business field they are interested in.

Taking a work internship or volunteering in the local community greatly benefits students by allowing them to:
to speak English naturally in the "real world"
become more confident in their English conversation
make Canadian friends and meet new people
learn more about North American culture
learn and develop a new skill
use and practice existing skills
enjoy the satisfaction in making a positive difference
gain work experience and references

Images3 | Metropolitan College

OECKO는 1981년에 설립한 On, Off-line 유학서비스입니다. 지금까지 배출된 약 2만명이상의 학생들은 사회 곳곳에서 활동하고 있습니다. 각 나라 명문대학과 제휴되어 글로벌 인재 양성에 힘쓰며 정직과 성실을 기초 삼아 오직 한 길만 걸어왔습니다. 미국, 캐나다, 영국, 호주 뉴질랜드,일본, 독일, 스페인, 프랑스 등 유럽에서 어학연수를 스스로 계획하시고 직접 신청하기위한 사이트입니다. 스스로 지원하기 때문에 수수료가 없습니다. 그러나 고등학교, 대학(원) 신청 및 에세이 작성은 민감한 사항이므로 유료로 진행가능합니다. 어학연수 입학허가서는 3일~14일 안에 받을 수 있습니다.
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